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It is not only impossible to give a comprehensive description of this metropolis of 16 million people, the interface between Europe and Asia, after only a few days’ stay, but it would hardly be possible to do justice to its diversity, the countless facets and its historical and cultural significance. So I can only refer to our individual impressions and direct experiences.

In addition, our stay was essentially determined by the reunion and togetherness with our dear friends from Iran – Sara and Bahador with their two children, lovely Yasna and cute Ario. We were once again overwhelmed by their warmth and boundless hospitality. Like many wealthy Iranians, their family owns a flat in a comfortable condominium, which they use as a repression-free domicile for – visa-free! – excursions. At the end of our get-together, we all agreed that we will use this location for regular meetings.

true friendship
true friends

Besides the wonderful hours of our togetherness, it is these lasting impressions that we take with us from Istanbul:

  • An enormous concrete desert characterised by huge housing silos, which in their dense arrangement are sometimes reminiscent of Hong Kong and which, with seemingly still rapid growth, spread out far over the topography characterised by hills extremely steep which can hardly be mastered without a motorized vehicle.
the juggernaut of Istanbul
  • A city that, despite an efficient and inexpensive network of public transport, threatens to suffocate in car traffic and in which no space is provided for cyclists even in the considerations of the city planners – Cycle lanes? Lane shoulder? None whatsoever!
  • Isolated, beautiful, well-kept parks with children’s playgrounds, leisure and sports facilities.
  • Many, smaller suburban centres with complete urban structures and their own character.
  • An exceptionally beautiful old town, which, despite the international influx of tourists, retains its originality with the manifold testimonies of historical, religious and cultural influences and epochs.
Istanbul old town
Istanbul old town
Hagia Sophia
Blue Mosquw
Blue Mosquw
inside Blue Mosquw
stunning beard
oriental beauty
  • The Bosphorus in its uniqueness with the bustle of countless ships and excursion boats, towered over by mighty mosques and the striking Galata Tower, surrounded by magnificent palaces and chic hotel buildings, spanned by architecturally courageous, in the evening colourfully illuminated suspension bridges.
on the Bosporus
Galata tower
on the Bosporus
on the Bosporus
Bosporus bridge
Bosporus bridge
  • Friendly, always helpful people who, despite the hustle and bustle of the city, always have a smile, a handout, a helping hand ready as a matter of course, such as the delivery driver who, without being asked, parks his scooter and helps us, obviously totally exhausted, to push our fully packed bikes up the 18% ramp.
a welcome boost

So after only four days we leave this city with a kaleidoscope of images, impressions and feelings in the certainty that this will not be our last stay here.

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