Oman – Teaser

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Since our arrival in Muscat, we have been travelling by off-road vehicle, joining the stream of people travelling in the same way, mostly in larger SUV caravans, rarely individually.

We have left our bicycles behind at the friendly Muscat Express Hotel, but not our camping gear. And that allows us to experience very special moments in extraordinary places with greater independence away from the mainstream tourist trade:

  • Falling asleep to the sound of the sea on Fins Beach.
Fins Beach
Sunrise at Fins Beach
  • Spending the night in the paradisiacal Wadi Shab and exploring it completely alone in the early hours of the morning before the daily stream of visitors arrives.
Breakfast at Wadi Shab
Morning bath at Wadi Shab
  • Looking out of the tent from the beach in Sur at the beautiful panorama of Al Ayhah.
Dow departure in the dawn
Evening at Sur beach
  • Meditative atmosphere in the silence and solitude under two desert acacias between the soft red-brown dunes of Ribal Al Wahiba or Sharquiyya Sands.
Wahiba Sands
  • Marvelling at a blood-red moon rising over the sea from the cliffs at Khaluf.
in reality blood-red
full moon over Khaluf cliffs
  • Breathtaking views above Al Hamra of the picturesque village and the mighty 3,000 metre peak of Jebel Shams right next to the exclusive resort ‘The View’ and without paying € 300 for an overnight stay there.
Jebel Shams
Jebel Shams
  • Surviving a midnight storm right on the cliff edge above the 1,000 metre vertical drop of Wadi Ghul, the ‘Grand Canyon of Arabia’, and attacks by hungry goats at breakfast.
at Wadi Ghul
after the storm at Wadi Ghul

This country is as diverse as these scenes, so I would like to describe our impressions and experiences in Oman in three chapters:

  1. Muscat and the north coast
  2. East coast and desert
  3. The Hajar Mountains

For more click on the links!

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