
July 11-13, 2024

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I am now sitting at the agreed meeting point, the railway station in Sochaczew, waiting for Joanna, the young woman I met 15 years ago on the ferry journey from Hel to Gdansk and with whom I have maintained a friendly relationship over the years. A lot has changed in both our lives since then, and I’m curious to see how this first reunion will go.

Not unexpectedly, I meet an obviously mature, self-confident woman, who has grown considerably both professionally and personally, the mother of a beautiful little boy, Jeremi (five and a half years old, he insists), and married to Alan, from England, the same age as my own sons. A warm hug of welcome, the first ever between us, signalled our unchanged closeness despite the great length of time, as did the guest room that had been carefully prepared for me, my place to stay for the next two days in Warsaw.

After these wonderful days full of stimulating conversations and an after such along time surprising harmony it is not easy to say good-bye to these old/newly won friends.

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