Routes – planning and reality

As shown in our video on ‘Route Planning‘, this is based on the calculation of +/- 250 mi per week with five cycling days and two rest days. This is of course a theoretical approach, but it is conservatively based on experience from previous joint tours. Nevertheless, we have to realise that daily reality demands deviations, sometimes even quite significant ones. Spontaneous (mis)decisions in route selection, unexpected difficult road conditions, unplanned long waiting times for ferry rides, weather conditions such as continuous rain or – even more inhibiting – extreme heat periods, all poorly predictable influencing factors that have a negative impact on daily cycling time and route length.

As we have two binding key dates on our tour to Oman – meeting our Iranian friends in Istanbul in the first week of September and flying back to Germany at the end of January 2024 – we have to monitor our route planning carefully and adjust it if necessary, e.g. by shortening the route or even bridging it by using public transport in the meantime. As it looks at the moment, this might be necessary to arrive in Istanbul on time, because there is one thing we don’t want: stress from rushing! 

We will report further.

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