Oh Man, Oman?!

This or similar were the reactions most of the time when we told family or friends about the plan for our next cycling tour. Five weeks through Myanmar and Thailand as well as, due to the pandemic, some shorter tours mostly in our home country were our most recent undertakings.

After Herbert’s idea of a cycling trip through Oman, Astrid’s spontaneous willingness to take half a sabbatical year then led to the now somewhat bigger adventure, which will soon begin, last six months and take us over about 5,300 miles through 14 countries.

We will continue to report here on this blog, and if you are interested, you will find a lot more under Social Media, such as videos about us and route planning; more will follow soon on the topics of equipment and camping.

4 Replies to “Oh Man, Oman?!”

  1. Das ist einfach grossartig. Ich freue mich auf Eure Bilder und Berichte. Habt eine sichere Reise.

    1. danke, liebe petra,
      für deine guten wünsche und dein interesse an unserem unterfangen.
      liebe grüße

  2. Good evening! I am Karine, French lady of 45 cycling alone. Now in Saudi (I love Saudi !!!) And tomorrow taking the road from al hofuf ti Oman, how is this road ?
    Congratulations for your big trip and your force to keep on riding !

    1. hi karine,
      i only came across your comment just now, sorry! and thanks for your appraisal which i like to return understanding that you are a female solo cyclist traveling in saudi – respect!
      as to your question regarding the stretch from al hoful into oman: i guess this is obsolete meanwhile anyway. as you may have understood from our travelogue we abandoned our initial plan to cycle through saudi arabia not at least due to the unsafe situation after the hamas attack exactly while we were in israel intending to proceed through saudi. we then – after short stay in jordan – took a plane directly into oman. but now saudi is back on our bucket list and scheduled for winter 2025/26.
      i hope everything went well with your trip!

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