Change of Itinerary

Enthusiastic as we are so far about our trip through Turkey – the variety and beauty of sceneries, the exoticism of the cultures and above all the friendliness and helpfulness of the people shown to us everywhere have completely captured us, we will nevertheless cut short our stay in this fascinating country. The challenging topography and therefore more than expected necessary regeneration phases make it almost impossible to keep to our schedule without rushing and stressing, and this is exactly what we want to avoid at all costs, as mentioned earlier.

So we will end the Turkey part of our tour with the highlight Cappadocia and fly from Nevşehir via Istanbul directly to Tel Aviv, which also eliminates the logistically not quite safe route via Cyprus anyway. Fortunately, we received decisive support in the not entirely unproblematic implementation of this change of plan from Birgül, a studied tourism manager we met by chance in Yenimehmetli, and from the renowned bicycle shop ‘DMK Bisiklet’ in Nevşehir.

We are now also creating a small time cushion for ourselves, which will allow us to approach the next stages of the journey in a somewhat more relaxed manner, so that we can concentrate more on the beautiful moments, impressions and experiences than on route and time plans.

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