Vacation from vacation?

Now we haven’t been in the saddle for quite a few days. How come?

Of course, from the very beginning, our travel plans included times for leisure and relaxation, sightseeing, culture and encounters, even if they were not specifically planned as dates, as the need arises more spontaneously and is granted according to the situation. But now we are taking a two-week break from cycling!

It was clear to us that we would need time to visit the natural phenomena and cultural highlights in Cappadocia, Turkey. Three days, and with their organisational preparation even four days, were dedicated to this. However, we ended up with seven after deciding to continue to Israel directly from Nevşehir, due to waiting for a cheap flight as well as the necessary preparation of packing our bikes for the flight.

After our arrival in Israel, there are two cities on our itinerary with Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, which require and also justify a visit lasting several days. And so, after our last stage from Gülağaç to Nevşehir on the 20th September only on 04th October we’ll be back again in the saddle, from Jerusalem towards the Dead Sea. It’s about time, because after all, around 5,000 km are still waiting for us.

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